Introducing a frum single men’s support group

Dear men,

A single Yeshivish men’s support group is being organized !

 The goal of the group is simply to give chizuk to each other in our goal to get married. It’s an opportunity to share ups and downs, experiences, and  to provide the social interaction that's needed as a stepping stone for shiduchim. The opportunity can also be used to "talk down" yourself after a date or even a difficult day. We all know that this stage is quite a frustrating one and talking to someone who is going through  the same situation can be extremely helpful.

If a group of divorcees  are found then we can organize a sepetrate group for them.

 Groups such as these are quite powerful and helpful and have been found to be really beneficial in all sorts of areas.

We dont really see this as a stage for giving each other professional advice nor is  this  intended to be group therapy.(Although that can be arranged as a separate group )  

There is no intention to charge for such a group, but if there is a need to rent a quiet indoor area,then of course some charge will be required.

Confidentiality/Hilchos loshon hora is of course a high priority, and a big emphasis will be put on preserving respect of ourselves and others while respecting our need to share our extremely negative experiences. It has been advised that every meeting be started with a small reminder of this. It is a very high priority.

 We'd like to know if you want to join and how often you would be able to make it,or as an alternative a live skype group .If you'd like, join only a phone list  or email list to share support in that way.

 Keep in mind that this is a help not only for yourself, but for other men as well, who are looking for the support, and to men and women who are looking to get married.



 Id like to join a phone list--

 Id like to join an email list-

 Id like to meet with a local group / skype group

Weekly?           Monthly?            Bi -monthly?

 Which  area of the city would work for you?