Develop Your Gifts – Parshat Vayakhel

I know I am not Rabbi Soloveichik. I am also not Michael Jordan. Nor am I Sir Elton John nor Dr. Viktor Frankl. I am me. I can look with jealousy at what they have achieved. Will that jealousy inspire me or send me into fits of frustration or depression?

As I write these lines I also realize that Michael Jordan is not Elton John. Yes, I know that is kind of obvious but the realization was that each was very good in THEIR particular field but did not reach that level in other fields. Michael Jordan even tried to play baseball but never advanced to the Major Leagues. They each developed THEIR own potential.

In this week’s parsha, my friend, Oded Langerman, pointed out that God goes into great detail about the attributes of Bezalel, the one chosen to build the Mishkan.1 This is highly unusual. We rarely find that the Torah notes the attributes of Moshe, Avraham, David or other greats so blatantly. We are left or expected to figure out those attributes from their words and deeds.

At any rate, those were Bezalel’s attributes. We, on the other hand, are challenged by the question ‘what are my attributes’. What do I have that I can give to the world? Each of us has a unique mix of attributes. Will we use them?

Similarly, says Rabbi Ido Roth our home is not just a place to eat and sleep. It is a place for us to grow as well.  A house whose potential is untapped has little reason for existing.2  

Dr. Viktor Frankl often quotes Hillel who says “and if I am for myself who am I.” Frankl explains we are here in this world not only for ourselves but to give to others as well.3 We need that balance. Sometimes we give more and sometimes we are on the receiving end but we all need to find that balance which is appropriate for right now. We are to take from the world but we are expected to give to the world as well.

How do we use these attributes for our own good? How do we use these attributes for the good of others? Challenging questions indeed but necessary to be asked….and answered by us.

The popular phrase “use it or lose it” comes to mind. Logotherapy does not believe that one can lose it. It just becomes harder to find inside if we ignore the calling to help others. So, in a way, it is like a muscle that we need to tone if we want to be healthy.

Identify your strengths. Be curious about the situations that are best suited for YOUR individual strengths and continue to live a meaningful life for yourself and others.

Image by Nika Akin from Pixabay


  1. Shemot 35:30-34
  2. He said this while explaining the Gemara in Sanhedrin 92a, a house in which Torah is not heard at night may be consumed by fire.
  3. Frankl, Viktor E.. Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything (p. 11). Beacon Press. Kindle Edition.



Have A Great Shabbat!laughing

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