Do You Have the Power? - Parshat Nitzavim
Just in case anyone has any doubt, the answer to the question is YES. The power is always within. The question, rather, is always 'how do we harness that power'? How do we move forward? How do we maximize our lives? If the answer is so obvious why even ask the question?
The truth is, many people do not believe in themselves. They do not believe they are worthy or that they can really be successful. Hence the question and the answer must be asked and answered. Most of us at some time in our lives ask this question: Do I have the power? Can I really do it? Is change really and truly possible? It must be said, then, that we do have the power to change!
The answer is given, as well, in this week's parsha, Parshat Nitzavim. In addition, the answer is given with some visualization. In discussing changing one's ways or repentance, the Torah says that 'it isn’t far from you'. It is not in the heavens where you might ask who will go up and retrieve the torah for us, nor is it overseas. Rather it is quite close - it is from within - for you to do with your mouth and your hearts.1 The great Spanish sage, Ibn Ezra, explains that all of the Torah is essentially for the heart and we use our mouths and words to strengthen that which we feel.2
This is the heart of who we are. We have senses that help us in understanding and living our lives. This is why modalities like NLP and guided imagery can be successful. The Torah itself uses visualization to achieve our goals. If it helps, use it. We need to feel the mitzvah, Ibn Ezra tells us. And at times we need to strengthen ourselves to carry out the mitzvah. This is a fascinating insight as well - that the Torah recognizes that sometimes we need strengthening and that doing the mitzvot is not always simple. But if we have some difficulty, if the Torah recognizes that difficulty, we also have a prescription - talk about it, visualize it, feel it. Remember where you want to go. Keep in mind what you still want to accomplish.3 You need help getting there? Here is a method you can utilize the Torah tells us.
The Torah recognizes our humanity. It knows that we are human and that we err. Together with that it also expects us to strive. It expects us to want to improve. And it offers an experiential visualization as an aid. Is it the only aid available? No. Is this the only way? Certainly not. We all need to find our own, individual and unique path towards meaning - and we all can do that.
YES, you have the power.
Ketiva Vachasima Tova to you and your entire family.
- Devarim 30:11-14
- ibid. 14
- Having a personal mission in life is central to Viktor Frankl's logotherapy. We all, in our own individual way, strive for it.
- 'chance of success' picture used with permission of lovethispic.com
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Have A Great Shabbat!
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