The concept of reward and punishment is an old one and is found in every culture in the world. If we work for others then we expect a paycheck on a regular basis. As children we are often taught that you get a reward for doing something right. Is this, however, how we wish to lead our lives? Do something because of what it brings us?
This week's parsha, Parshat Re'eh, offers an interesting twist. Moshe starts off saying that he is offering the people to choose between a blessing or a curse1. Yet if we look in the sentences following we find no mention of anything good or bad happening. The great Abarbanel notices this and comments that the choice to do right is in itself the blessing while the choice to do wrong is, likewise, in itself the curse.
How often does it happen that we know which is the right or wrong thing to do? And how often do we know immediately after we've done something that it was the right or wrong choice? I wouldn’t say all the time but it definitely does happen. We have the ability to make those choices which are the right ones.4 The power to make right choices is one which we can choose to use. Or not.
My teacher, Dr. Teria Shantall wrote that "we are not compelled to behave in any particular way. We can say yes as readily as we can say no."5 Such a simple thought yet a powerful one. We all know it. Sometimes we act upon it. Sometimes we ignore it. The fact is that even when we ignore it, the power is still there.
The way in which we conduct ourselves, how we think of ourselves, the path which we choose and more all factor in to that decision. And the decision is ours. We can choose to do the right thing. How empowering that can be!
1. Devarim 11:26
2. Abarbanel ibid.
3. This blog is based on the article by Rabbi Chaim Flom z"l - http://torah.org/learning/shortvorts/5767/reeh.html
4. The concept of making right choices is central in the logotherapy of Viktor Frankl.
5. Shantall - Quest For Destiny - p. 20
Have A Great Shabbat!
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