You Can Always Dance – Parshat Bamidbar
Much has been written about the challenges facing the human race during this corona episode. We are slowly and hesitatingly coming out of lockdown and seeing if we will be able to retain the lowering of the curve. I certainly join with those praying for the welfare of the entire human race in stemming the outbreak of this virus.
These challenges relate to us no matter our socio-economic status, our education al level, or even age and pre-existing conditions. This is perhaps why I find it so relevant that this week's parsha, and in fact the entire fourth book of the Torah, is named Bamidbar (lit. in the desert).1 The early Chassidic master, Rabbi Elimelech of Lizensk and his brother, the famed Reb Zusha, were once in an area in which there was sewage and was rendered an inappropriate place to daven (pray). Rabbi Elimelech was so upset because he greatly wished to daven but it was forbidden, that he started to cry. His brother, however, invited him to dance and calmed him down by saying that the same God who wants him to pray, is the same God who said that under certain circumstances it was not appropriate. And so, they danced. One can always find a way to serve God under any circumstance - even in a desert.2
Any of us can say “Yes” to life
in spite of everything.
Many today are upset that there are still restrictions on davening in shul. With masks on, a limit to the number of participants in that communal tefillah and sitting alone, the experience is certainly not pleasant. For those who are inside, or left outside, or just scared to go back to communal activities they can all serve God equally by simple showing up wherever they are and saying "I want to daven".
This can apply to so many areas of our lives. Even non corona-related issues can produce the same feeling. Situations in which we wanted to take part but couldn’t, promotions missed, a relationship that didn’t work out as we planned are just examples of experiences which can all leave us with a bad taste.
We can always find the way to move forward and dance.
- Bamidbar 1:1
- Frankl, Viktor E.. Yes to Life (p. 18). Beacon Press. Kindle Edition.
- This idea and the story were elated inn this short class by Rabbi Belizon at the following link - https://www.yutorah.org/sidebar/lecture.cfm/957025/rabbi-eli-belizon/no-matter-where-bamidbar-pre-kabalas-hatorah-shmuz/
Have A Great Shabbat!
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