Many individuals who would like to find a long term partner struggle to do so. One often thinks that the reason that they have not been able to successfully be able to remain in a long term relationship is because they have, "not found Mr./Ms. right." It is difficult for one to admit to themselves that the reason that they are not in a long term committed relationship has something to do with them.  It is much easier to think that the problem must lie outside of oneself rather than within. Working on obtaining a long term relationship outside -in rather than from the inside-out is like trying to clean the inside of your house your house by washing the outer walls. If one uses the wrong implement to fix a problem, or they attack a problem with the wrong approach the problem remains.

In order for one to attain and sustain a healthy, working relationship, one must first work on their own relationship with themselves. You need to get in touch with what it is that really makes you tick, what makes you feel good or bad, happy or sad... 'cause if YOU don't know what you want, their is now way someone else will.  The onus for your own happiness lies within you.

The way that individual relationship counselling works is that one unearths the painful stuff with a trained therapist so that they can get in touch with their truest self. The more truthful one is with themselves, the greater the likelihood that one can then go about finding a partner that is going to be able to match and meet their individual needs. After all finding a partner is not like clothes shopping...or at least it shouldn't be (that is if you really want a long term relationship).  When you choose to buy an outfit, you think about what strikes your fancy which can change from moment to moment. Finding a life partner is about getting in touch with and meeting your deeper needs.

There is no doubt that doing this sort of work can be daunting and difficult at first, however, over time it can feel exhilirating to know who you really are, and to no longer be hiding behind what you think society thinks you should be. When you find your truest self, this is when you will be able to then find a partner that is most appropriate for you.

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