In this day and age of fast food, cars, dsl and everything else that is supposed to make our lives convenient and more enjoyable, we are instead using the ability to do things quickly as an excuse to be able to do more. The conveniences afforded to the current generation were intended to help free us up, not bog us down.

As a result of our overburdened lives we barely have time to sit and revel in our achievements, and deepen and strengthen our friendships.

We don't have to succumb to the speed at which many of us are living our lives. Instead, we could choose to restructure our lives, and include things that are really important to us. Many have shared with me that they would like to live a slower paced life, but that they get caught up in wanting to achieve more at work.
The more we take breaks to relax and do things that are truly meaningful to us, the better we will achieve our jobs. This is so because the more we enjoy our lives, the more successful we become at out work.

So the next time you think, I don't have time for a relationship, my partner, my kids, friends, remind yourself, that you are improving all areas of your life by making time for the things and people you love.

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