I feel I live in a bubble when it pops it leaves a rainbow effect some colors prettier than others some colors unnecessary.

For a while now thank you G-d I have been healthy and doing really well in many areas of my life. I feel connected to my inner core and able to express my feelings.

Several days ago I noticed something was off. My mood seemed elevated, over the top, not my norm. My appetite started decreasing and the worst was my short temper.

I made a self inventory and went through different factors. I had been going to sleep late but I made sure to get the correct amount of sleep. I had taken all my medications. Nothing stressful was taking place thank G-d.

It took some time to make the connection until I realized my sleep and mood changes took place the eve after Tisha bav. Fasting affected my mental health.

I know that a few years back I had a similar experience after Yom Kippur a mood swing as a result of fasting. I spoke with specialists that understood halacha and bipolar and we came up with a plan especially for me. I fast the next couple of years accordingly and all was well.

The difference this time I did not keep to all the conditions I forgot to drink it was an honest mistake. So here I am deja vu different time different year same issue

I am not a doctor I cannot explain what the coloration between fasting and my mood has. For me taking care of my health has to come first I love my religion and want to take part in everything. If I see that serving G-d is hurting his creation. Then I need to stand back reassess the situation and speak to those with the correct knowledge. What would be best to do in the future?

When the bubbles pops I get to choose with guidance and love whether to be disappointed and down or choose a new way to serve G-d and be healthy.

