What do you daven for? Please respond anonymously via this link.
I asked my family members to share this question with friends and I sent the request to the readers who receive my articles via email each week.
Here are the replies I received:
Children, my husband should get satisfaction from his learning, parnassah, health, baby should behave at the babysitter, job satisfaction, friends.
To have a healthy baby.
To be happy in the stage of life that I am in and realize that everything that happens is directly from Hashem.
I daven for siyata dishmaya in teaching and that my students understand that I love them and have their best interests in mind.
To be connected to Hashem.
Menuchas Hanefesh.
To be able to keep the Mitzvos to the best of my ability and overcome the Yetzer Hara.
I ask Hashem to help me feel fulfilled and not so empty.
Help me want to have a connection with You and help me to daven and focus on davening.
To be zoche to a life completely dedicated to Torah and Mitzvos.
Shalom bayis, healthy, good children.
To utilize all the potential that Hashem gave me which is inside of me.
For clarity in my decisions, to find my zivug, the right person at the right time, I daven for the people that I know who are struggling in different areas or awaiting different yeshuos, I daven for singles waiting for shidduchim and couples waiting for children. I am a teacher and I daven each day to have patience and love for my students and that they should feel it! I daven to be calm and to teach them well. I daven to be close to Hashem and to have real and deep emunah and bitachon, ahavas Hashem, ahavas Torah umitzvos and yiras shamayim.
To have good lessons and good understanding to teach my students and be mechanech them properly.
A shidduch!!
To have siyata d’shmaya to be the best wife for my husband.
For couples who are struggling to have children.
I should be zoche to marry someone who brings out the best in me and that I should bring out the best in him in areas of ruchniyus, gashmiyus, middos, and family life.
To have companionship, people to spend time with- who appreciate you, and who you appreciate. To have the sechel to make the right choices. All should continue to be well and not change for the worse. To have constant siyatta dishmaya with life's "basics,” aka no traffic, safety etc.
I try to daven for people to find Chein in me and my actions, to have clarity, for people who don't have children to have children, to be able to build a family of bnai Torah and bnos Yisrael. To give my parents and Hashem Yiddish Nachas!
To be calm and have calmness in my life.
To have a connection with Hashem.
To overcome nisyonos
That mine and my husband's grandparents should be healthy and well and my children should know them.
Gezunt and the ability to help others.
Clarity and good marks in school.
To not be in a position where I am plagued with jealousy of another person; to never be in a position where I feel threatened or in competition with another.
I daven for Hashem to help me improve relationships with family members.
I daven for Hashem to help me find a shidduch.
Good health emotionally and spiritually.
Should be guided to the right people to help me.
For sholom bayis.
Happy home.
I pray everyday that my husband will become a talmid chacham. I pray for shalom Bayit and for my husband and I to see each other through good eyes. I pray for healthy and happy, normal children. Children who will follow in the ways of Torah and mitzvot and children who will become rabbis and rebbetzins B”H!! I pray for the singles to find their zivug at the right time. I pray for the sick to be healed. I pray for Mashiach to come. I pray for health, wealth and happiness!!
To be happy, for parnassa and health, for good children, for Moshiach.
Health, mental and physical, of family members.
I daven for my children to find their own path to Hashem.
To come closer to Hashem.
Health and happiness for me and our family, everyone we love, klal yisroel… for Refuah sheleimas, marriage and children for klal yisroel… for the coming of Mashiach and for the whole world to know Hashem and everything to be revealed
Sholom bayis, health, Parnassah, Yiddish Nachas, less stress, to get a good Chavrusa, to remember my learning, not to make a chillul Hashem in my dealings,
Have a love for Hashem.
That we should have hatzlacha in working out our children's summer plans so they are in a good environment and are in a place they can gain the most from.
Other people to get married, have children, have refuas, yeshuas, clarity in shidduchim, shalom bayis.
To always have love and Shalom Bayis, to have healthy children who go in HaShem's ways.
To be dedicated to my learning, have Sippuk, and to understand my learning and grow in it.
Aliyos for Neshamos that were niftar.
To be Matzliach (and not Chas V'Shalm make a mistake) in making my marriage flourish and the love for my wife grow and be felt by her.
To do a great job with my laining so that my employer(s) are satisfied with the service I provide them.
To have parnassah B'Revach directly from HaShem and in a BaKovodig way.
Arichas Yomim in good health for my family (grandparents, parents, etc.).
Everyone to be happy and healthy, for everyone that needs a shiddach should find the right person at the right time, my grandparents and cousins should be healthy, a skirt that I really want, Mrs [] should get better, that each child of mine should have the ability to find their derech in avodas Hashem that is best suited for them,
gezunt, parnassah, nachas, shalom bayis, hatzlacha with my children, simchas hachaim, simchas haTorah, simchas hamitzvos.
I daven for clarity, to always feel like I'm talking to Hashem when I'm davening, to stay happy and upbeat, to feel good about who I am, to have hatzlacha in everything I do, to have the energy and wisdom to help other people feel good about themselves and believe in their inherent value and ability to succeed, to get satisfaction from relationships, to have the strength to be the person I know I want to be, to be at peace within myself and not ruminate or worry, for Hashem to let my will align with His will, that Hashem should guide me to make the right choices that I won’t later regret, that bullying should stop and that my children shouldn't be the victims or even worse - the bully, hatzlacha at work, shalom with myself and with others, to forget anything I learned in college that contradicts Torah hashkafos.
I encourage you to talk with your children about what you daven for, and ask them what they daven for. I hope you daven for each other.
May Hashem answer all of our tefilos in ways that we understand.
Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with specialties in marriage, dating, and parenting.
He is the author of Confident Parents, Competent Children, in Four Seconds at a Time Available at bookstores and on Amazon.
He can be reached at 718-344-6575.