Session 1 Recap: Chaim Lerner, a 35 year old avreich, comes for counseling in order to identify a suitable career. He has a high school education, and no defined career interests.

Session 2: 

Chaim reported that his Rabbi, Rabbi Tzadok, was very supportive of his decision to pursue a livelihood. He reaffirmed my message that earning an honest living can be part of one’s broader role of Avodas Hashem.

Chaim also spoke to his friends who have recently transitioned from kollel to work. While they reported to miss kollel, they expressed their pride in being primary breadwinners in their household. They also attended shiurim regularly after work.

Chaim scored the following on his O’net Interest Profiler: Realistic: 31, Investigative: 36, Social: 22, Enterprising: 19, Conventional: 18. We engaged in a brief discussion of what these personality types meant. Chaim agreed that his primary interests were in practical, hands on activities, as well as in thinking about concepts and ideas. His hobbies of repairing watches and automobiles combined with his interest in science and math confirm these tendencies.

We then explored the level of education and training that Chaim was ready to pursue, and the resulting career options. We employed the Job Zones of the My Next Move website, to identify a number of potential careers which require an associate's degree, as well as an apprenticeship, or licensure.  Chaim found that a career as a hearing aid specialist, medical lab technician, or chemical technician would agree with his interests.  We also found that some of these jobs offered paid apprenticeships, which would enable Chaim to earn some money even as he pursues his education. However, he was discouraged by the salaries offered, typically $40,000-$60,000, which is not enough to support a family of six. 

We then looked at jobs which require at least a Bachelor’s degree as well as formal training. Chaim was particularly interested in the career of Automotive Engineer, where he can potentially earn about eighty thousand dollars annually. This would satisfy both his Realistic tendencies, as well as his fascination with cars. This position generally requires a four year degree in mechanical engineering. Chaim was concerned that he may not have the means and academic skills necessary to succeed in obtaining a Bachelor’s degree.

In order to address these concerns, we decided on the following steps: Chaim will contact Mesila, a financial literacy organization, to establish a budget so that we could determine how much he would need to earn in order to be financially solvent. He will have a conversation with his father-in-law about the possibly of offering financial support while he pursues degree. Chaim will also research local colleges offering four year degree in mechanical engineering.

Observation: Chaim has strong Realistic and Investigative tendencies. He is interested in a career in Automotive Engineering. Further research is required as to the feasibility of this option.

Next week: Watch Chaim as he tackles the practical concerns of his career choice. 

*Names and identifying details have been changed.