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Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
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'LogoParsha' is a series of articles on finding meaning in the Parsha. The term Logo is borrowed from logotherapy, a school of psychology founded by Dr. Viktor Frankl, author of 'Man's Search For Meaning'.
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Showing Results 1 - 12 (12 total)
Is Life Really Empty? – Parshat Haazinu
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
September 25th, 2020

Is Life Really Empty? – Parshat Haazinu We've gone through the past seven months of COVID-19 at times asking ourselves the question of meaning. Some people have lost their livelihood, some have suffered from lingering aftereffects while others have lost family and friends. Is there meaning behind all this? Is it perhaps all meaningless suffering? Throughout the LogoParsha blog, we talk about logotherapy (literally: healing through meaning) …
Tags: mental health, logotherapy, parsha, meaning, logoparsha, frankl, viktor frankl, life task, assignment, purpose, haazinu, emptiness, existential vacuum
A Truly Happy Year - Rosh Hashanah
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
September 22nd, 2020

A Truly Happy Year – Rosh Hashanah  What a year it has been. Sadness, anger, rioting, mourning, politics, division, wildfires and more. Oh, yes….and Corona. To be fair, there have also been weddings, births, promotions and other good things that have happened this year. Rosh Hashanah is considered the yearly Day of Judgment and we pray that the judgment for the coming year will be favorable based on the good things that we and o …
Tags: logotherapy, meaning, logoparsha, frankl, viktor frankl, happy, happiness, corona, rosh hashana
Responsible or "Response-able" – Parshat Nitzavim-Vayelech
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
September 11th, 2020

Responsible or "Response-able" – Parshat Nitzavim-Vayelech I love word games. "Dad jokes" are funny – okay, maybe not, but at least witty. "How do you call a bee that can’t easily make up its mind? A maybe."1 (is that a groan I hear?) I'm lucky, as well, to be interested in a school of human ontology/psychology/existentialism/motivation whose founder liked word play as well. We can even use it in this week's parsha. There may b …
Tags: mental health, logotherapy, parsha, meaning, logoparsha, frankl, viktor frankl, purpose, nitzavim, respnsibility, response-ability
Happy by Choice – Parshat Ki Tavo
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
September 7th, 2020

Happy by Choice – Parshat Ki Tavo We all want to be happy. You know how I know? From all the ads for programs on how to be happy. And many of them are quite successful. Even the American Declaration of Independence, proclaims the right to pursue happiness as an inalienable right of all humanity. I know I want to be happy. In a negative sense, the Torah describes the importance of happiness. This week's parsha, seems to say that "The Rebuke" …
Tags: logotherapy, meaning, logoparsha, frankl, choice, ki tavo, ki savo, happy, happiness, imrei emmes
Faithful to Yourself – Parshat Shofetim
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
August 26th, 2020

Faithful to Yourself – Parshat Shofetim   I love reviewing the parsha. I would like to believe that even if there were no requirement to read it every week, I would still do it, but I can't believe that I would. So, I am thankful that Chazal expects us to review the parsha weekly. It also gives me a chance to notice new ways of looking at the content, some of which have quite opened my eyes. A few years back, I wrote about this verse f …
Tags: logotherapy, meaning, logoparsha, frankl, shofetim, self, authentic
Frustration – Parshat Vaetchanan
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
July 31st, 2020

Frustration – Parshat Vaetchanan We all want to feel good all the time. We also know that stuff happens and our sense of stability is threatened. We often try to ignore this knowledge and live our lives "as if". We make plans, we invest time, energy and money based on dreams of how we wish to see our future. There are business plans and personal development programs that encourage us to see a few years down the line and build our present l …
Tags: logotherapy, meaning, logoparsha, frankl, viktor frankl, vaetchanan, vaeschanan, frustration
Untitled – Parshat Devarim
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
July 24th, 2020

Untitled – Parshat Devarim Just a short idea and can't decide on a title. What I've come up with so far, just isn’t quite right. (if you get any ideas, please let me know) The judges, whose appointment is discussed in this week's parsha, are reminded that they should be good, honest and fair judges for, after all, the judgment belongs to God.1 Well, isn’t that kind of obvious? If these judges are dealing with Jewish law, do they …
Tags: mental health, logotherapy, parsha, meaning, logoparsha, frankl, viktor frankl, devarim, life task, assignment, purpose
Dilemmas – Parshat Pinchas
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
July 10th, 2020

Dilemmas – Parshat Pinchas Sometimes I just hate dilemmas. They force me to choose between different options. And some of them aren’t so pleasant. You must have heard of the phrase 'between a rock and a hard place'. Some options are really unpleasant. And when you have two unpleasant options, then you're really going to suffer the choice. Rashi in this week's parsha, Parshat Pinchas alludes to this. Back when the sun and moon were cr …
Tags: mindfulness, logotherapy, meaning, logoparsha, frankl, pinchas, dilemmas, choices
Search for Simple Answers – Parshat Chukat
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
June 26th, 2020

Search for Simple Answers – Parshat Chukat Wouldn’t it be great if life had simple answers to even the most complex questions? It would be easier to bear the burdens of suffering and anguish. After all, if Despair is, according to Doctor Viktor Frankl, Suffering without Meaning (D=S-M), then if we could assign meaning to our suffering, we would be spared all that despair and anguish.1 We know that stuff happens. Our question is always …
Tags: logotherapy, meaning, logoparsha, frankl, chukat, suffering, viktor
Feeling Ignored – Parshat Behaalotecha
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
June 5th, 2020

Feeling Ignored – Parshat Behaalotecha We all want to feel part. Even as a kid, I remember when we were choosing teams, I always wanted to be chosen. I also remember what it was like NOT to be on the team – either team. My parents tried to make sure that my needs weren’t ignored either. But sometimes certain groups are chosen. And others are left behind. Or it could even be being passed over for a promotion at work. It can be a …
Tags: mindfulness, logotherapy, meaning, logoparsha, frankl, behaalotecha, behaloscha, ignored, viktor frankl
Mindfulness and Mindful - Parshat Naso*
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
May 28th, 2020

Mindfulness and Mindful – Parshat Naso* Mindfulness is one of the big buzz words nowadays. Learning to hear our own selves and our own voices, emotions and wishes is an important part of growth. But has this direction pushed out the concept of being mindful? Has being aware of one's self cancelled the ability to be mindful of others and their needs? How sensitive do we need to be to others in the face of our own needs? The reading of t …
Tags: mindfulness, logotherapy, naso, meaning, logoparsha, frankl
Corona's Creative Calling – Parshat Vayikra
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
March 27th, 2020

Corona's Creative Calling – Parshat Vayikra OR Yes I'm Writing About Corona When we want to start a conversation with someone, we usually call them first to get their attention. We call their name, we ring their telephone, we send an email or any other of a now-myriad of methods to contact someone. When we get the person's attention, then we can start talking whether to deliver a message, get some information or simply to connect with someo …
Tags: logotherapy, meaning, logoparsha, frankl, vayikra, corona, covid
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