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For The Frum Community
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Abortion Early Pregnancy Loss Trauma And Shame
Author: Chaya Feuerman, LCSW-R Trauma IFS EMDR Therapist
April 28th, 2020

You lost your baby. You’re no longer pregnant. It’s a long story. You don’t want to talk about it. The doctors. The Rabbis. The Dayan. They all said you had to do it. You can’t talk about it. Nobody knows what really happened. Your husband refuses to talk to you about the baby. He doesn’t want you to bring it up ever again. You must move on. Everyone tells you if you get pregnant again you’ll forget about this …
I Don't Want To Talk About It
Author: Chaya Feuerman, LCSW-R Trauma IFS EMDR Therapist
February 1st, 2021

There are some things that are just too hard to say out loud. How can I get help if I can't bring myself to talk about what is troubling me? That's a good question and may stump many but for me and my practice there's a simple answer. In EMDR therapy, the therapist does not need to know the details of what happened to you. EMDR is a process that can happen between the therapist and the client without the need to tell all. EMDR stands for Eye Move …
The Flash Technique: An EMDR Technique
Author: Chaya Feuerman, LCSW-R Trauma IFS EMDR Therapist
February 1st, 2021

To read about and schedule an All Day Intensive with Chaya Feuerman, go to  …
Trauma and Tevila
Author: Chaya Feuerman, LCSW-R Trauma IFS EMDR Therapist
May 10th, 2020

Trauma and Tevila Trauma is subjective and intimate to each person. This discussion will focus on cultivating sensitivity and attunement to trauma suffered by women at the mikvah, in the past, present as well as at the mikvah itself. There is no “antibody” test for trauma, to know by looking at someone, what she has been through, how it has affected her, or how it will in the future and to what degree. That is why mikvah leader …
Unorthodox Trauma
Author: Chaya Feuerman, LCSW-R Trauma IFS EMDR Therapist
April 12th, 2020

Trauma takes many forms. Many people are blocked from living life as their best Selves due to past or present traumatic experiences. Some people don't even recognize that their experiences have traumatized them and are the cause of difficulties in how they respond to life's stressors including their relationships. Traumatic events are frightening and often the terror resides in survivors long after the trauma is over. Trauma shakes …
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