Frum Therapist: Mental Health Resources for the Frum Community
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Mental Health Resources
For The Frum Community
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Rabbis, confidentiality and other ethical issues for survivors of sexual abuse

Growing up in the United States means you most likely know something about the Christian faith and their concept of confession. The most commonly known format is the one used within the Catholic church where an individual goes to a priest and confesses their sins. It is understood that what they tell a priest would be kept confidential. This is a hallmark of the Catholic faith.  Often many individuals seek out spiritual guidan …
Throw Away Children of G-d?

Can you imagine being deserted on the streets by your parents at the age of six or seven? What would you do? How could you fend for yourself? What happens when you get hungry, tired or when darkness comes? Can you imagine the terror?  These sorts of predicaments are exactly how one would describe a "Throw Away Child". Recently this term has been used by several adult survivors of child abuse -- coming from all faiths, as a way to d …
Nobody's Child: Surviving without a Family

By Vicki Polin, Michael J. Salamon and Na'ama Yehuda   One topic rarely discussed by survivors of childhood sexual abuse is the issue of going through adulthood without a family. This very difficult reality is one that many survivors feel ashamed of. There are many reasons why an adult survivor might not have contact with their family of origin. Some grew up in foster-care or were adopted into other families. Others lived with their fam …
Remembering to exhale

Don't you just hate it when you're upset, and someone tells you to take a deep breath and exhale? I know for myself that used to be the last thing I wanted to hear. I remember thinking yeah right, what is breathing going to do! But, remembering to breathe is just one of the many things we can do when we're feeling bad. I've learned that if I don't exhale, I begin to lose control of my life. By just remembering to breathe in - and out  - …
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