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Author: Nancy Zwiebach,

WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ONLY GOT A "B"?! SOME IDEAS ON REWARDING OR PUNISHING FOR GRADES It appears, as years have gone by, that there is more of an emphasis on grades rather than on learning. Somehow there is this crushing competition and force from the earliest school experience onward of concern for which nursery, which elementary school, which highschool, which college and graduate school that, by necessity begins even before birth with parent …
Teased Daughter
Author: Nancy Zwiebach,

Dear Therapist, My 11 year old daughter comes home from school everyday crying as she is being teased by the other kids in her class. She tells me that the other kids call her fat, make fun of her clothing and tell her that she smells. I know my child isn't those things but she is still being picked on. I hear her in the bathroom crying about how she sits in school alone at lunch and no one wants to play with her at recess because she isn't good …
Concerned Father
Author: Nancy Zwiebach,

Dear therapist, I am a father of a young girl in her 20's who has been having recurrent "anxiety/panic attacks" and I am at a loss as to how to help her? I am not sure that the "attacks" are really panic attacks but rather tantrums or shall I say a call for attention. She is not in school and doesn't work despite being an intelligent young lady. She no longer goes out with friends and is attached to myself and her mother. I realize that she may …
Friend with Post Partum
Author: Nancy Zwiebach,

Dear Therapist, I have a close friend who has been suffering from post-partum depression for over a year now. She has seen many therapists, which at first seem to provide a beacon of hope but eventually at some point she feels betrayed and ends the relationship. She has tried a variety of medications which have all backfired to the point of hospitalization and major suicidal thoughts. All authorities on the issue stress the importance of a suppo …
Hurting to Live
Author: Nancy Zwiebach,

Dear Therapist, I am a woman who has been struggling for some time with the overwhelming feelings that things are just not right in my life. I question whether things will ever get better? I have spent time contemplating what the world would be like without me? I wake up in the morning and I don't want to face the world. I know that there are people in my life who love and care about me but I don't. At times I wish they would just let me die! …
Starting a Private Practice
Author: Nancy Zwiebach,

When starting a practice what is the appropriate amount to charge? Starting a Private Practice My suggestions: 1.Make some calls/consult some colleagues - what is the fee being charged in your area? 2. Decide what it is you'd feel comfortable with - not "giving it away", feeling your expertise and experience are being respected. 3. Be flexible! Many of the practitioner's I know (including myself) s …
You Were Here First....
Author: Nancy Zwiebach,

As I was about to leave the hospital after giving birth to my son, the wonderful doctor who had delivered me twenty two years earlier, put his hands on my shoulders, looked at me closely, and said, "Remember Nancy, you were here first; he has to fit into your world." Those few simple words were probably the best parenting advice I ever received. Through the years, in the various capacities in which I've had the opportunity to work with parents, …
Author: Nancy Zwiebach,

Private practice or corporation? Law or medicine? Harvard or Yale? Cheerios or Corn Flakes? Cheerios or Cornflakes!!??? What are you talking about? What's the big deal? Well, when you're two years old, it can be a big deal. Acquiring the skill of learning how to - and being comfortable in - making decisions is a gift parents can and should give to their children. It has been astonishing to me in my experiences as both a speaker and a psychothera …
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