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Smadar's Sane Way
Smadar Prager, Psychotherapist, CGP
Click here to view my clinical profile
Life is all about relationships. With others, and with ourselves. It's also full of conflicts, with others and... with ourselves :-) Happiness and contentedness are a result of learning how to balance those contradicting forces.
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The Cauliflower's Wisdom - Some Thoughts from the Kitchen:
Author: Smadar Prager, Psychotherapist, CGP
March 24th, 2017

  I do not know about you, but I just love Hashgacha Pratit stories, and since this dam opened for me, I see them all around me, and they still excite me so much.

So here is a fresh one:
Yesterday, a lovely cauliflower captured my eye while shopping for Shabbat.
I thought I’ll make a whole baked cauliflower in the oven for Shabbat Kiddush Dinner. Taking the cauliflower out of the fridge today, I reconsidered: &ldqu …
What I learned in 30 years of marriage
Author: Smadar Prager, Psychotherapist, CGP
July 15th, 2016

Last week, 7.7, we celebrated 30 years of marriage. This is some of the things I learned over the years: That HaShem loves me very much – He sent him to me.

That being stubborn is an advantage – holding and not letting go, insisting on the togetherness even when is though.

That to be lenient is required – it’s just not worth it to spoil the ‘us’ on account the personal.

That …
Build yourself into it!
Author: Smadar Prager, Psychotherapist, CGP
May 3rd, 2016

While watching ‘Rehab Addict’ on HGTV, Mr. Chester Bushman, Nicole Curtis’s 90 year old grandfather, said this heartfelt sentence, "When you are building a home, you are building yourself into it, just like marriage!" I watched and thought to myself that there is no substitute to old age wisdom; that we have so much to learn from our elders and that there's so much unparalleled value of strength and support in keeping, maintaini …
10 Back to School essentials:
Author: Smadar Prager, Psychotherapist, CGP
September 1st, 2015

1. Always prepare cloths and backpacks with the child the night before.   2. Make sure going to bed is a pleasant experience (and on time!).   3. Wake up the kids relaxed & with a smile (music is always a plus).   4. Allow enough time to calmly organize (you too).   5. Don't skip a nutritious breakfast (not milk & cereal).   6. Send a nutritious snack with a loving smiling encouraging note inside.   7. Make s …
The sun and the wind
Author: Smadar Prager, Psychotherapist, CGP
May 13th, 2015

I love stories that help us understand ourselves better, and create a different way of thinking to initiate change within ourselves or with others. Here’s another lovely one: A man is walking down the street wearing a hat and a jacket. The sun and the wind got into an argument: which one of them would be able to take his hat and jacket off of him? The wind thought that she would be able to do that without a shadow of a doubt, whilst the sun …
* About caves and demons
Author: Smadar Prager, Psychotherapist, CGP
February 17th, 2015

Once upon a time there was a very enlightened and holy Buddhist  monk. He lived in an isolated cave, on a mountain side, and occupied his time only in prayers and reflections all day and all night.  And one day he returned to his cave only to find that it is full of sassy and ugly demons. They completely took over his cave, 
cooked and ate his food,
slept in his bed,
ripped apart his holy books,
dirtied ever …
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