Frum Therapist: Mental Health Resources for the Frum Community
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Mental Health Resources
For The Frum Community
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Mommy, Can I Hate You?
Author: Eta Feuerman-Yaeger,
February 8th, 2016

Originally printed in The Jewish Press 2015   “Mommy, can I hate you?" This is what my 3 year old son asked me one morning. Panicky thoughts ran through my head. I have been working on educating my son about feelings, but Oy Vey, did I create a monster? Then, I calmed myself, realizing that feelings are just feelings, and asked, “Why do you want to hate me?" He answered, "I don't like it when you yell at me." I acknowledged that …
staying connected
Author: Eta Feuerman-Yaeger,
January 25th, 2016

Originally printed in The Jewish Press 2016
The eminent marriage researcher, John Gottman, identifies the birth of  child to be one of the single most de-stabilizers of relationships.  Of course, this is not to say that having children is a bad thing.  It just means that one must understand the challenges and develop ways to effectively cope.  
Staying connected emotionally with your spouse when there aren't childre …
Post-partum depression
Author: Eta Feuerman-Yaeger,
January 10th, 2016

Originally printed in The Jewish Press 2014 Within less than two years, I went from being single and a new graduate student to being a wife, mother, and a Licensed Social Worker. These two short years were full of adjustments for me and a lot of new emotions. These events were all positive changes in my life, but nonetheless very stressful. Specifically, I am going to share about my experience with Post-Partum Depression (PPD).  My hope is t …
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