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Can Your Personality Be Causing You Physical Pain?
Author: Liz Wallenstein, LMHC
June 10th, 2013

Can you imagine a person suffering from severe, debilitating, life-altering pain being cured without surgery, medication, physical therapy, or medical procedures? Well thousands of people suffering from chronic illnesses including back pain, migraine headache, colitis, fibromyalgia, sciatica, tendonitis, chronic fatigue, tinnitus, gastrointestinal disorders, skin disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome, allergies and asthma, have done just that! These people did it by treating their medical issue not as the problem, but as an indication of their emotional health. Gaining an understanding of how they manage their day-to-day feelings or the affect certain life experiences had on them, helped them heal their physical health, when conventional medical methods failed to.
How a person that feels so right, can be wrong
Author: Liz Wallenstein, LMHC
January 19th, 2013

If you find yourself: Repeatedly drawn to people who do not want to be in a relationship with you Repeatedly in relationships that are dramatic and end not the way you’d want
them to Repeatedly not developing feelings for people who treat you well – you’re relationship choices are likely coming from unresolved personal issues.
I’ve seen too many people in pain because a person they are convinced is right for …
When the Other Person’s Issues are Keeping You Apart
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