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The Back-to-School Transition-5 Tools to Help Calm the Storm
Author: Moshe Norman, LCSW
August 30th, 2014

The Back-to-School Transition-5 Tools to Help Calm the Storm By: Moshe Norman, LCSW Yup, it’s that time of year again though quite hard to believe.  The hours are ticking till school starts and it is beginning to have its effect in the home.  It wasn’t always like that, though.  Before Jason was school age the older kids excitedly anticipated rejoining their school friends and sharing their camp experiences.  They …
So, We Don't Punish, Right? Part II
Author: Moshe Norman, LCSW
June 23rd, 2014

Consequences Part II In today’s day and age, we hear lots about positive parenting. Since a positive approach is important component to raising healthy children, some parents have become confused as to when it is appropriate to impose parental authority. Consequences teach children to make good choices and help them to become responsible for their actions. Conversely, punishment for negative behaviors does not provide a child with a heal …
So We Don't Punish, Right?
Author: Moshe Norman, LCSW
May 15th, 2014

So, We Never Punish, Right? In order for us to move to other phases of parenting, let us first review the principles of emotional regulation that we have learned thus far.  It must be emphasized that many potential issues can be avoided if a child is raised in an emotionally healthy fashion and in addition, it will help make many other aspects of parenting a whole lot easier.  A child with emotional health will also have the resources a …
Author: Moshe Norman, LCSW
April 27th, 2014

The Jewish Mom.  Typified.  Personified.  She’s warm, caring and protective.  Unconditionally loving and accepting.  She is always there to save her child through thick and thin, through his good choices and his mistakes.  And never misses an opportunity to protect her child from even the slightest discomfort. How fortunate we are, to be part of a heritage of what our sages deemed us as Rachmanim, Bayshanim and …
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