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Psychotherapy 101
Shlomit Liz Sanders, LMFT, CCTP
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Psychotherapy 101 is geared towards understanding the very basic elements involved in psychotherapy.
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How to increase motivation
Author: Shlomit Liz Sanders, LMFT, CCTP
December 5th, 2023

It should come as no surprise that it’s really hard to motivate ourselves to do the things we actually want to do. For most of us, we wait to feel motivated before taking action (instead of watching TV, we wait to feel in the mood to go to the gym, eat healthier, spend more time with friends, etc.). It’s so common to wait for that feeling before taking action. Research has shown that action increases motivation- pretty counterintuitiv …
Tags: Improve motivation, increasing motivation
Top tips to help your child transform into a healthy adult
Author: Shlomit Liz Sanders, LMFT, CCTP
April 17th, 2023

Top tips to help your child transform into a healthy adult   Wouldn’t it be great if kids could come with a user manual? We may wonder how our parents knew what they were doing with us and yet, they probably didn’t. They probably didn’t because we didn’t come with a manual either. There are certain key areas that are crucial to a child’s development and overall well-being. There are so many ways and different re …
Tags: Parenting, healthy child, healthy adult, coaching, education, counseling
How to gain perspective in life
Author: Shlomit Liz Sanders, LMFT, CCTP
March 23rd, 2023

Zooming out: How to gain perspective on life (   Zooming out: How to gain perspective on life One of my hobbies is photography which gives me the opportunity to focus on and photograph the things I find particularly beautiful. In fact, I then turned around and created a poster in my office from it, which serves me as a reminder of this very concept. When I stand behind the camera, I notice that I point my camera in the dire …
Five ways parenting coaching can help
Author: Shlomit Liz Sanders, LMFT, CCTP
November 30th, 2022

Five ways parenting coaching can help   Anyone who is a parent can attest to the difficulties of being a parent. There are moments of joy, challenges, outright frustrations and a million questions of uncertainty. Unfortunately, kids aren’t born with a manual but parenting coaching comes close to that. First, let me address the obvious question here: what is parenting coaching? Parenting coaching is a guide that can help you become a mo …
Five things therapists wish clients knew about therapy
Author: Shlomit Liz Sanders, LMFT, CCTP
November 24th, 2021

Five things therapists wish clients knew about therapy It can sometimes be difficult recognizing that we need help and sometimes even more challenging to look for it. Here’s a breakdown of what therapists wish clients knew about therapy: There’s nothing too weird/ taboo to talk about. Yes, you’re meeting a stranger for the first time but professionals are trained to handle things that you may not feel comfortable sharing with f …
Psychotherapists and their credentials
Author: Shlomit Liz Sanders, LMFT, CCTP
March 14th, 2019

Psychotherapists and their credentials
  While there are many articles on what psychotherapy is (or isn’t) I figured I’d start with the basics. There are so many options when looking for a therapist and it’s important to be educated to know what you’re looking at when reading their credentials and what it all means. Here’s a breakdown of the most common ones: LMSW/ LCSW: Licensed masters in social work/ Li …
Tags: credentials, therapists, what does it all mean
What to expect from therapy
Author: Shlomit Liz Sanders, LMFT, CCTP
February 18th, 2019

Psychotherapy 101 How does therapy work? Congratulations! You’ve taken the first brave step to make an appointment and now you’re wondering: What to expect the first appointment Is therapy right for me? What makes therapy work?   It can be scary meeting a new stranger for the first time and that’s true in all settings but even more so when you’re expected to pour out your life to this person. The first appointment i …
Tags: expectations from therapy, psychotherapy, what makes therapy work
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