There are always things that we want or need. That is just how life works! What happens though when you can't get the things you want? (I.e. A child, job, health, etc.) This can be hard especially if everyone around you seems to "have it all".
There are a range of emotions/thoughts going on. "Why does everyone else have xyz and not me", " if only....", "is there something I'm doing to cause this? I.e. Is it my fault?"
It is common for people to try be comforting by saying "G-d has a plan for you", "in the right time it will come" etc. but for those who have been waiting for long, this may seem like a never ending process and not as comforting as one may think.
So, what is one to do while they are waiting for their "wants" to come to fruition?
One option, is to look for positives. Will your "wants" magically be granted? Most likely not. But as humans we tend to focus more on what we don't have, then on what we do have. This can be accomplished in a simple and easy way. Make a list of all the things you are grateful for and keep it as a reminder. Despite not having what you "want", there is always someone less fortunate than you who would be willing to trade places with you. (This is not said to minimize your concerns, but rather to help you appreciate what you do have!)
The reality of life didn't change, nor did your wants, but if we can change one thing- it's our perspective! If we can look at the bigger picture and see all the good we have, we can be a little more appreciative of what we do have.
As the theory goes, our thoughts become our feelings that become our actions!
Wishing all of you much success in achieving your wants and being happy with your share.
Disclaimer: I am not insinuating that one should not do their hishtadlus but rather what one can do in addition.