Mental health professionals are charged with the legal and ethical responsibility to maintain professional boundaries, but the obligation isn’t always so easy to discern. This course brings real-world context to ethical concerns often experienced by professionals in practice in maintaining appropriate professional boundaries. This course will provide a framework to contemplate ethical dilemmas and make informed decisions that insulate professionals from legal liability while protecting clients from harm. This class meets the new NEW YORK Appropriate Boundaries Training and Ethics requirements. 3 CE Credits! Appropriate Professional Boundaries:
Exploring Ethical Obligations of Mental Health Professionals
Friday, October 17, 2025, 10:00 AM EDT
Presenter: Kathryn Krase, Ph.D.,
Course Length: 3 Hours
This workshop Offers 3 Live Interactive Continuing Education Credits
Mental health professionals are charged with the legal and ethical responsibility to maintain professional boundaries, but the obligation isn’t always so easy to discern. This course brings real-world context to ethical concerns often experienced by professionals in practice in maintaining appropriate professional boundaries. This course will provide a framework to contemplate ethical dilemmas and make informed decisions that insulate professionals from legal liability while protecting clients from harm. This class meets the new NEW YORK Appropriate Boundaries Training and Ethics requirements. 3 CE Credits!
Introductions (5 minutes)
Revisiting Ethics in Professional Practice (30 minutes) Professional education introduces future practitioners to relevant Codes of Ethics. This portion of the program will revisit what professionals should already know about ethics, so that we are all on the same page as we explore further. What do we mean by “ethical”? How is “ethical” related to “legal”?
Understanding Professional Boundaries (45 minutes)
Working closely with clients can challenge the boundaries of professionalism, but setting and maintaining boundaries is important both personally, and professionally. This portion of the program will explore guidance from ethical codes on how to define appropriate boundaries with clients, highlighting the obligations of mental health professionals.
Drawing the Lines (60 minutes)
Using case examples, this portion of the program will explore various types of relationships between professional and client that can make maintaining professional boundaries complicated. - Conflict of interests - Dual Relationships o Family Relationships o Sexual Relationships o Other Relationships - Complicated Financial Interactions o Bartering for services o Other financial interactions
Protecting Yourself from Ethical & Legal Liability (30 minutes) This section will outline the framework that professionals can use to prevent ethical conundrums, and protect themselves from legal liability when maintaining professional boundaries is most complicated.
Conclusions/Questions (10 minutes)