What do you do when a devoutly spiritual client comes to you, wants to include their spirituality in their treatment and you are not very familiar with their spirituality? What ethical issues are raised by treating people from diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds? What ethical issues arise when you, as a provider, have strong religious or spiritual beliefs?
This interactive training will help participants understand the ethical issues that may arise in treating client from different religious backgrounds and how religious competency is an ethical issue. Participants will learn how to address a client’s religion and spirituality in an ethical way, if and when it is ethical to incorporate it into treatment, and some common issues pertinent to treating clients from different religions. (Trainer, Erik Hadden, MA, LCPC, Vital Sources Psychological Services)
https://frumtherapist.com/workshops/Religionethics23/viewEthical Issues in Regard to Religion and Spirituality in Mental Health Treatment (Ethics)
Previously Recorded
Presenter: Erik Hadden, MA, LCPC
Course Length: 3 Hours
This workshop Offers 3 Continuing Education Credits
This webinar is recorded and will not grant live credits.
What do you do when a devoutly spiritual client comes to you, wants to include their spirituality in their treatment and you are not very familiar with their spirituality? What ethical issues are raised by treating people from diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds? What ethical issues arise when you, as a provider, have strong religious or spiritual beliefs?
This interactive training will help participants understand the ethical issues that may arise in treating client from different religious backgrounds and how religious competency is an ethical issue. Participants will learn how to address a client’s religion and spirituality in an ethical way, if and when it is ethical to incorporate it into treatment, and some common issues pertinent to treating clients from different religions. (Trainer, Erik Hadden, MA, LCPC, Vital Sources Psychological Services)
This workshop Offers 3 Continuing Education Credits
This webinar is recorded and will not grant live credits.