What do I do when a client tells me they’ve contemplated committing suicide? Who do I contact when I’m worried a client is going to hurt someone? Will I get in trouble if I talk about my clients outside of work? This course brings real-world context to ethical concerns related to confidentiality, often experienced by professionals in practice. We’ll explore the goals and limits of confidentiality through an analysis of ethical and legal complications. This course will provide a framework to contemplate ethical dilemmas and make informed decisions that insulate professionals from legal liability while protecting clients from harm.
https://frumtherapist.com/workshops/TherapyDec624/viewWhat Happens in Therapy, Stays in Therapy, Unless... Exploring the Ethics of Confidentiality
Sunday, April 06, 2025, 10:00 AM EDT - 1:00 PM EDT
Presenter: Kathryn Krase, Ph.D.,
Course Length: 3 Hours
This workshop Offers 3 Live Interactive Continuing Education Credits
What do I do when a client tells me they’ve contemplated committing suicide? Who do I contact when I’m worried a client is going to hurt someone? Will I get in trouble if I talk about my clients outside of work? This course brings real-world context to ethical concerns related to confidentiality, often experienced by professionals in practice. We’ll explore the goals and limits of confidentiality through an analysis of ethical and legal complications. This course will provide a framework to contemplate ethical dilemmas and make informed decisions that insulate professionals from legal liability while protecting clients from harm.
Introductions (10 minutes)
The Ethics and Law that Govern Confidentiality (45 minutes)
This portion of the program will explore the basic tenets of ethics and law as they
relate to client confidentiality. Sections of professional codes of ethics, as well as
federal and state law, will be introduced and explained. The concepts of private
health information (PHI), informed consent and privilege will be introduced.
Keeping Client Confidences: From the Basic to the Difficult
Talking about Clients to Others (15 minutes)
Client Records (30 minutes)
- Standards of practice
- Release of Information
- Subpoenas
- Testimony in Court
Duty to Protect from Harm (45 minutes)
- Tarasoff
- Self-Harm
- Mandated Reporting
Case Studies & Practice Implications (25 minutes)
- Impact of technology
Conclusions/Questions (10 minutes)