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Chaya Feuerman, Psychotherapist, LCSW-R Brooklyn, NY 11210, USA
Trauma comes in many different forms and can occur in a variety of ways and at any stage of life. My specialty practice focuses on all forms of trauma, including physical and emotional abuse and neglect, sexual abuse and exploitation, spiritual and religious abuse, educational abuse and neglect, financial exploitation, environmental traumas including vehicular accidents and natural disasters as well as complex grief and loss.
I am certified in the IFS as well as EMDR modalities, both empirically proven therapy models designed to help resolve trauma and PTSD symptoms. I am also trained in Brainspotting which clients are experiencing as refreshingly helpful!
IFS and EMDR as well as Brai…
A Perfectly Imperfect World
I can’t count how many times I’ve wanted things to go right. And how many times I felt the frustration, anger and disappointment when things didn’t go exactly to plan. It has ranged from embarrassing moments to medical surprises to getting cut off by another driver. Why can’t the world just be perfect?!?!?
In this week’s parsha, we read of the actual building of the Mishkan. When …
Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSWMarch 28 2025
Develop Your Gifts – Parshat Vayakhel
I know I am not Rabbi Soloveichik. I am also not Michael Jordan. Nor am I Sir Elton John nor Dr. Viktor Frankl. I am me. I can look with jealousy at what they have achieved. Will that jealousy inspire me or send me into fits of frustration or depression?
As I write these lines I also realize that Michael Jordan is not Elton John. Yes, I know that is kind of obvious but the realization was that each was …
Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSWMarch 21 2025
Dear Therapist:
Is feeling that I don't have anything to say in social situations social anxiety? Even in situations where I don't feel anxious, I have a hard time making conversation. Even when I am with people that I feel comfortable with. Am I just missing some sort of social skill or is this part of social anxiety? Or maybe this is just who I am and I should accept it. I would appreciate your advice. Thank you.
At first …
Dear Therapist:
I am writing regarding my 19-year-old daughter. She is doing well baruch Hashem but has always been a different personality than the rest of our family. She has also landed on a derech in life that, while she is living as a frum yid, is different than the way she was brought up. Our relationship has had its up and downs over the years but now I would say it is kind of neutral. Although we are accepting of her, …
What Does YOUR Name represent?
I know, I know. It’s already after Shabbos. Its already after Purim. I just didn’t get my act together before Friday…and on Friday, well, let’s just say that I wasn’t fully focused.
So, just a quick thought from today’s parsha. God is appointing Bezalel to build the Mishkan. He could have just said that He is calling upon Bezalel. But nooooo. He is calling upon the name of Bezal …
Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSWMarch 15 2025
Dear Therapist:
I enjoy your column every week. I appreciate how each of you have your own style and way of seeing things. I was wondering if you could each share your opinion on what you think is most misunderstood about therapy. How would you clarify and reframe it for those who may be considering therapy?
Of course, as you said, all therapists have different styles and perspectives. (Thus, our responses to this question …