Frum Therapist: Mental Health Resources for the Frum Community
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Mental Health Resources
For The Frum Community
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How to Lose Friends and Discourage People
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
May 8th, 2024

Dear Therapist: I am a parent of a 9th grade girl in a large mainstream high school. She is trying to find her footing in a long lasting friendship and is starting to get to know a few girls. But because she is a very friendly girl, she is nice to the girls who aren't as socially gifted. The problem with this is when her friendliness gets in the way of spreading her wings, since these girls cling to her in an unhealthy way. While she doesn't …
The Doctor Will NOT See You Now
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
May 8th, 2024

Dear Therapist: My spouse has the interesting issue where he just refuses to go to the doctor for a well checkup. He is pushing 45 and probably hasn't been by a doctor in 15 years. When he is sick etc. he will go to an urgent care or a PA and take care of it, but that is pretty much it. He claims he is healthy and doctors just find issues. He seems ok but at this point I wonder if he is just nervous and so he is avoiding it. Do you have any sugge …
Why Do We Need Things?
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
May 8th, 2024

Dear Therapist: I have been pushing off writing this, which maybe is part of the problem, but I feel like at this point I really need to. A few years ago, my husband was making a very nice living which caused us to raise our standards of living significantly. Now unfortunately, like I imagine many others are, we are feeling the crunch of the economy. Baruch Hashem, we have what we need but we can no longer afford to spend like we used to. We have …
Do You Know Who You Are?
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
May 8th, 2024

Dear Therapist: I was recently asked by a shadchan to write a detailed description of myself and I was surprised at how stuck I got. It was very hard for me to write about what's important to me, what my personality is like, and what I truly value, in a way that is anything other than cliche. I started thinking that there is something wrong with me that I can't do this. I think part of this is because there is a big difference between who I actua …
Medication or Therapy
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
March 14th, 2024

Dear Therapist: I have a specific fear that I have a hard time with but it isn't something that I really have to face very frequently. Let's say it's flying. It's not something I do very often but when I need to it's really hard. I was prescribed a medication I can take from my doctor and I can use it before flying and I feel ok. Is this a good enough way to deal with it or would it be better to invest in therapy to get rid of the fear? Would the …
What, Me Intellectualize? Well, Come to Think of it...
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
March 14th, 2024

Dear Therapist: I have been wondering about a friend who is very smart but is still struggles with motivation. He has been confiding in me recently but I think that he is very focused on philosophical reasons for his unhappiness, like the purpose of life, but doesn't pay enough attention to his emotions. It's hard to tell really but I am wondering if you could give me some pointers in how to steer him for the proper help. Thanks.   Response: …
Therapy? Very Funny!
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
March 14th, 2024

Dear Therapist: Thank you so much for your weekly column. I enjoy hearing your different perspectives. I was wondering if lekavod Purim you could share your thoughts on humor and mental health. Does a good sense of humor help people in dealing with difficulties? How does this work? Is this something that can be developed or do you either have it or not? Additionally, I think for most of us we imagine therapy as a serious somber thing, is this acc …
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
March 7th, 2024

Dear Therapist: My son has always had a hard time making decisions. Even when it comes to making small choices, like what to order in a restaurant, it's a whole esek.  He really never had to make too many serious choices in his life, he went to the same yeshiva straight through and to Eretz Yisroel together with his friends. Same with camp, there wasn't much choice. I am worried as he gets ready for shidduchim that h …
Should I Choose My Husband or My Parents?
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
March 7th, 2024

Dear Therapist: My husband has a very difficult time getting along with my parents. I am not sure what the source of this is but it's been like that for a while. My husband is a great father and wonderful husband and man, and my parents are wonderful too. We all have our quirks and somehow my husband and parents just grate on each other the wrong way.  We have somehow managed this over the first 5 years of our marriage but it seems to be get …
Therapy? Never Again!
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
February 22nd, 2024

Dear Therapist: I have a friend who has a very serious problem with her shalom bayis. Her husband started going to therapy to try to help the marriage. She has a very long list of complaints against her husband, but she admits that she also has faults and she's not innocent. When I asked her why she doesn't go to therapy she told me she can't even think of it. She had gone for a lot of therapy in her late teens/early twenties  …
Teletherapy or In-Person Therapy
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
February 22nd, 2024

Dear Therapist: What advantages and disadvantages come with receiving therapy in person versus using an online platform? If a therapist offers both options, which should I choose? I would assume that in person would be more effective but sometimes maybe it would be easier to share through a screen? Aside from convenience, are there any other factors that I should be taking into consideration when choosing a venue for psychotherapy?   Respons …
Helping Someone Who Doesn't Want Help
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
February 13th, 2024

Dear Therapist: I have a brother who is very anxious but comes across as very cool and like he has it all together. When I finally convinced him to go for therapy, the therapist questioned whether he really needed therapy and took an approach of “it doesn’t seem to be causing too much dysfunction in your life.”  Those who know him know about the constant tension that he lives with and how much he is suffering. Yes, he is su …
Anxiety, Stigma, and Therapy When I Don't Need It
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
February 13th, 2024

Dear Therapist: I'm a 21-year-old girl currently in shidduchim. I occasionally face mild anxiety and believe that seeking therapy could be beneficial for addressing and managing it, or gaining helpful tips. Thankfully, I am currently managing well, but I sense that further improvement is possible through therapeutic work. However, during this phase of life, there is some societal resistance to the idea of seeking therapy—it's not widely acc …
How To Lose Friends and Un-Influence People
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
February 13th, 2024

Dear Therapist: I am 17 years old and in 12th grade, I have a friend that I have known since 2nd or 3rd grade and we're very close. But overtime I realized that I don't enjoy her presence as much and she is extremely clingy. She always sees everything negatively and overthinks everything, which makes it difficult to talk and confide in her. She constantly asks to sleepover and come hangout. Luckily, I have a job that ends late at n …
Is It Sympathy, Empathy, Or Secondary Trauma?
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
February 13th, 2024

Dear Therapist: As a teacher, I've noticed that some of my high school students seem to be experiencing the weight of their friends' struggles. There is a student in my tenth-grade class who is going through a very hard time. Her family situation at home isn't easy and she is showing signs of unhealthy eating habits. We are aware that this student is struggling, and we are working on finding ways to help her. Recently, I noticed that her best fri …
Support Group Or Therapy
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
February 13th, 2024

Dear Therapist: Thank you so much for your weekly insights. I am looking for some help due to a loss in my family and I was offered a support group by a local organization. I am also considering a private therapist. Can you please explain the differences and benefits of one over the other? Do you have an opinion as to which is better in this situation?    Response: I’m sorry that you lost someone close to you. Of course, it’ …
How Involved Should I Be in My Child's Marriage?
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
February 13th, 2024

Dear Therapist: My son recently got married and I am a bit concerned about how he is treating his wife. It's nothing major but I see his immaturity and lack of awareness about living and thinking about someone else. Most people advise me to stay out of it and let them grow up together. I'm not so sure about that. I am worried about the damage that could be done to their relationship if I just let it go. I would appreciate hearing your opinions as …
Are My Headaches "Real?"
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
February 13th, 2024

Dear Therapist: I have suffered from migraine headaches for a few years. I have tried a bunch of different types of treatments and have seen all sorts of doctors. Somethings have helped a little, some not at all, and some for a short time but it didn't last. I am wondering if there is some possible help to be had from psychology in this area? I have definitely heard of psychology for back pain, can it work for headaches also?    Respons …
Academia and Woke Ideology
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
December 25th, 2023

Dear Therapist: The world of academia has recently come under a lot of scrutiny for its antisemitism. To those paying attention the so-called intellectuals in college campuses have become more and more antithetical to Torah values, but even more so to common sense! These ideas seem more prevalent in the social work and psychology fields. I can only imagine that these newfangled ideas seep into how mental health disorders are evaluated and treated …
Trauma and Young Children
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
December 25th, 2023

Dear Therapist: Hi, my two-year-old child was recently exposed to something very traumatic. At least it was something that would be very traumatic for an adult. I am uncomfortable going into all the details but it involved a serious injury to someone right in from of her, with a large medical response etc. I am wondering if a child that young can be "traumatized" and what would be the signs in a child so young that they needed help? What kind of …
Therapy for Kids at Risk
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
December 25th, 2023

Dear Therapist: Thank you for your weekly column. I am involved in a drop-in program that helps "kids at risk." I am wondering on your opinion on sending younger teenagers with behavior issues to therapy. We have sent them in the past - with limited results. I'm not sure if most of them are really ready for any type of serious therapy. Wouldn't our time and energy be best invested in getting them a mentor and offering other types of support? Some …
A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health Counselor Training, Skills, and Salaries
Author: paul ryan
December 21st, 2023

Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of mental health, the role of a Mental Health Counselor is pivotal in guiding individuals towards improved well-being. This article explores the rigorous training, essential skills, and rewarding compensation associated with this noble profession, providing insights for aspiring counselors and those curious about the field. Mental Health Counselor Training: Nurturing Compassionate Professionals Educa …
Leg Pain Caused by Back | GenericsHub
December 8th, 2023

Sciatica is the term used for leg pain caused by back. Pain from sciatica may radiate to the buttocks, down the thigh, down the leg, or even to the foot. It frequently causes numbness or tingling, as well as occasionally weakness. and how you should feel during them can help you notice any changes or problems early so that your Buy pain o soma 350 mg tablets online get delivered at your door step Causes of Back Pain Here …
How to increase motivation
Author: Shlomit Liz Sanders, LMFT, CCTP
December 5th, 2023

It should come as no surprise that it’s really hard to motivate ourselves to do the things we actually want to do. For most of us, we wait to feel motivated before taking action (instead of watching TV, we wait to feel in the mood to go to the gym, eat healthier, spend more time with friends, etc.). It’s so common to wait for that feeling before taking action. Research has shown that action increases motivation- pretty counterintuitiv …
Tags: Improve motivation, increasing motivation
Dating Someone with a Mental Health Diagnosis
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
December 4th, 2023

Dear Therapist: My daughter was recently redt a shidduch to someone who has ADHD. I initially thought that since that is something that pertains mostly to school work etc. that it would not be so relevant to marriage. You hear stories about people with ADHD being really successful. However, people are telling me that this can actually be the source of serious marital problems if it is at a serious level and has not properly be …
Can My Coach Be My Therapist?
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
December 4th, 2023

Dear Therapist: Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions in this weekly column. I have an issue I hope you can provide me guidance with. I have been working with a coach for a long time to help me with my personal growth and self-confidence issues. This has helped me become a better person and inspired me to open my own business which was quite successful. However, I recently lost my mother to a sudden illness and am having a hard ti …
Engagement Anxiety
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
November 22nd, 2023

Dear Therapist: My son is engaged and has become very panicky about if he made the right decision. Initially we figured it was nerves but it has persisted. He can't really point out any major concerns about the girl but he also is very worried about getting married. More like he feels something is "missing." He acknowledges that he is very anxious but says that he doesn't know if that's just fear or his intuition telling him there is something wr …
Medication and Dating Revisited
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
November 22nd, 2023

Dear Therapist: As a teenager our son saw a therapist for a while due to some burnout/depression. Baruch Hashem with some adjustments to his yeshiva life and the help he received he is doing amazing and has been for a while. He is still on a low dose of medication which has worked well for him. When he tried going off, he relapsed and our consensus is that it's best for him to stay on it for now. Now that he is starting shidduchim& …
What's the Right Amount of Anxiety?
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
November 6th, 2023

Dear Therapist: I have always considered myself a healthy person and have never been diagnosed with any kind of mental health issue. Recently, due to the current events in Eretz Yisroel, I have this feeling of uneasiness that follows me around all day. I can't say I'm anxious but I certainly don't feel like my regular self. I feel more "alert" when I am walking down the street, considering travel plans, or even dropping my kids off at school. Is …
Enough Therapy Already?
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
November 6th, 2023

Dear Therapist: Thank you for this forum and for your time and advice. Our son's school recommended that our 7-year-old be evaluated for behavioral issues at the end of last school year and that he may benefit from some extra help during summer vacation. We had him evaluated privately and paid privately for the sessions that he is receiving and b”H have seen improvement in his overall behavior and his ability to follow instru …
The Stonewalling Therapist
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
November 6th, 2023

Dear Therapist: When I asked my fifteen-year-old daughter’s therapist questions about what was being addressed in therapy and why we needed to continue, she was evasive, making it clear that it wasn’t my place to know and there was no reason for me to be involved. I was quite baffled and rattled. It just didn’t make sense to me at all that I was not being included as an important team member. But I put aside my troubled feelings …
Where to buy genuine medicines online?
Author: Jasmin Fernandes
October 31st, 2023

Buy genuine and affordable medicine at Remedy Counter online pharmacy. It is an online store that supplies the FDA-approved quality medicine to your doorsteps without delay.    Remedy Counter is the ultimate platform for purchasing required medicines at the best price. It provides quality assurance and only supplies FDA-approved medicines. Customers are allowed to order medicines without a prescription. Remedy Counter makes it possible …
Hearing the voices of those we seek to help
Author: Evan Steele
October 30th, 2023

Seems hard these days to talk about anything other than the precarious state we find ourselves in as Jews, but we could all use a distraction, so I offer this subject change. This piece was inspired by a recent listserve post, but it is not meant at all as a commentary on the post of the situation it described. The post asked a question about parents who are seeking advice/guidance about their 15-year-old son who was exhibiting anxiety and possib …
Experiencing IVF in a Prepared and Calm State
Author: Lili Bernstein (Goralnick), LCSW-R
October 23rd, 2023

Experiencing IVF in a Prepared and Calm State   IVF is a lengthy multi-step process very commonly used these days for many different reasons, including but not limited to infertility, ageing, poor genetics, and egg freezing for those not yet married.  That means that in any given IVF facility you will see a broad range and large number of frum patients daily. I would like to provide a mini guidebook to some of the elements of IVF that h …
Children and Israeli Terror
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
October 12th, 2023

Dear Therapist: Could you please share advice on dealing with younger children who are struggling with the news from Eretz Yisroel. Of course, we are preventing them from seeing any images, but they have inevitably heard some of the horrible details, particularly about kidnapped children r'l. Any advice you can have to help them deal with this terrible situation more effectively would be helpful.    Response: I think that I sp …
Discover the Proven Effectiveness of Vidalista for ED Treatment
Author: Hardik Sharma
October 7th, 2023

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) has become a prevalent concern among many men worldwide. Thankfully, with the advancement of medical science, there are now several treatments available to address this issue. Among the top contenders in the realm of ED treatments is Vidalista. This article will dive deep into its effectiveness, comparing it with other well-known treatments and explaining its workings. How Does Vidalista Work?  Vidalista functions p …
Artvigil 150mg - Uses, benefits, and side effects
Author: Olive Dcoz
September 21st, 2023

Artvigil is an Armodafinil brand that belongs to the drug category Nootropic. It is an FDA-approved prescription medicine that acts as a central nervous system stimulant. It is considered a Schedule IV controlled substance in the USA.   Artvigil 150mg uses- Artvigil 150mg is used to treat excessive daytime sleepiness associated with narcolepsy, sleep apnea, shift work sleep disorder, or sedative medicines. Artvigil promotes wakefulness and h …
What is the Processing Process?
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
September 12th, 2023

Dear Therapist: I have a pretty basic question about therapy, and I am hoping you can answer it for me. I went through something difficult recently and a few people have told me I should go to therapy so that I could “process” it. I have heard that word from a couple of people and no one has really been able to tell me what exactly that means. What does it mean to “process” something? To talk about it? I have been talking …
Grief and Dating
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
September 12th, 2023

Dear Therapist: I am a teacher who has stepped in to offer support to a former student of mine who has recently lost her father. She is currently of shidduchim age and the family is anxious for her to begin dating. They feel that she should "move forward" and have been exerting significant pressure on her to begin. I was wondering if you can give me some guidelines as to when that would be considered healthy. I imagine it isn't just a t …
Keep Up With the Joneses?
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
September 12th, 2023

Dear Therapist: I live in a neighborhood/community where there is a big emphasis on money. It is a young neighborhood where people are just starting work, and some are making serious money and throwing it around. So there has recently become this pressure to “keep up with the Joneses.” I have a salaried job and al pi derech hateva I am not going to become a millionaire any time soon. This was always ok with me, and I didn&rs …
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