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Mental Health Resources
For The Frum Community
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משמורת הילדים
Author: Rabbi Ariel Greenberg MA
May 18th, 2014

סכום מסוגיית החזקת הילדים לאחר גירושין(אבה"×¢ סי פב) ומתוכו כמה הערות שלמדתי בענין חינוך הילדים   הנה הפשטות הוא שאחר הגירושין,כל הילדים – בנים ובנות,ישהו ברשות האב,שהרי הילדים  ×ž×ª×™×—סים אליו. וזה לשון הרדב"ז (שו"ת חלק א' סימן ש"ס) "שהרי למשפחותם × …
נשואין שניים אצל אברהם אבינו
Author: Rabbi Ariel Greenberg MA
May 18th, 2014

ויסף אברהם ויקח אשה בענין אב שנתאלמן או נתגרש, שחייב להשיא בנו לאשה וגם להשיא את עצמו מי קודם? בגמ' קידושין כט: מבואר שאם יש לאב אפשרות לקיים רק מצווה אחת- למצוה של עצמו או למצוה של בנו, המצוה של עצמו עדיף.וכן מפורש לענינינו בתוספתא בכורות פרק ו שהאב קו …
מקורות שאשה המגורשת נשארת קרוב משפחה אף לאחר גירושין
Author: Rabbi Ariel Greenberg MA
May 18th, 2014

מקורות שאשה המגורשת נשארת קרוב משפחה לבעלה אף לאחר גירושין 1.  בראשית רבה יז: ג, ירושלמי כתובות יא: ג לגבי חיוב הקדמת צדקה לקרובים מפורש שגרושתו קודמת לזרים משום "מבשרך אל תתעלם". ומובא בשו"×¢ אבה"×¢ קיט סעיף ח' ופר"ח שם ס"ק כ"ז וש"ך יו"ד רמז סעיף א' (אבל ×¢' …
42 – Parshat Matot-Masei
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
July 18th, 2020

42 – Parshat Matot-Masei No, this is not a blog on "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".1 Imagine - there are other times that the number 42 appears. For instance, the only uniform number that is permanently retired in Major League Baseball is the number 42, the number that Jackie Robinson wore. It is also the atomic number of the element Molybdenum. Even so, with a tip of the hat to all Douglas Adams fans, I would like to touch on t …
Tags: logotherapy, parsha, logoparsha, frankl, 42, tolle, yes to Life, masei
* About caves and demons
Author: Smadar Prager, Psychotherapist, CGP
February 17th, 2015

Once upon a time there was a very enlightened and holy Buddhist  monk. He lived in an isolated cave, on a mountain side, and occupied his time only in prayers and reflections all day and all night.  And one day he returned to his cave only to find that it is full of sassy and ugly demons. They completely took over his cave, 
cooked and ate his food,
slept in his bed,
ripped apart his holy books,
dirtied ever …
10 Back to School essentials:
Author: Smadar Prager, Psychotherapist, CGP
September 1st, 2015

1. Always prepare cloths and backpacks with the child the night before.   2. Make sure going to bed is a pleasant experience (and on time!).   3. Wake up the kids relaxed & with a smile (music is always a plus).   4. Allow enough time to calmly organize (you too).   5. Don't skip a nutritious breakfast (not milk & cereal).   6. Send a nutritious snack with a loving smiling encouraging note inside.   7. Make s …
Buy Modalert 200 mg for solution sleep apena
Author: Status Meds
March 25th, 2022

What is MODAVIGIL MODAVIGIL is utilized to further develop alertness in individuals with extreme daytime tiredness related with the ailment known as narcolepsy or with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea/Hypopnoea Syndrome (OSAHS), or shift work rest jumble (SWSD). Your body requires sufficient rest. Indeed, even in the wake of a monotonous day, Normally, grown-ups require 7 hours of rest every evening. What happens when you are frequently worn out or rest …
Cenforce 100: Best ED Therapy For Men
Author: ava george, ava george
April 19th, 2022

  Cenforce 100 is a prescribed drug for men. This medication is mainly suggested for Erectile dysfunction. Cenforce contains potent chemical substances that quickly kick-start erection. It has a PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type 5) inhibitor. By which Patients keep an erection in their penis to get better sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction is a sexual disorder among older people. This is a common problem because most of the men experience part …
Prosoma And Tapsmart| Is The Best pain Reliver
Author: mariahasan
July 11th, 2023

Building A Better Physique: Tips And Tricks   Some people think fitness takes too much time and has to be hard to do, but if you have the right advice, it can really be quite easy. Finding the right fitness plan for you could be as easy as trying some of the powerful tips found here.   When you're looking to increase your overall fitness, give your body adequate breaks between workouts. One common mistake people make, is working their a …
Regaining Lost Worth – Parshat Behar-Bechukotai
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
May 15th, 2020

Regaining Lost Worth – Parshat Behar-Bechukotai No matter how long the first 8 innings of a baseball game last, or what the score is, there is always a sense of anticipation entering the ninth inning. Will the losing team make a comeback? After all, there have been teams who scored 7 runs in the bottom of the ninth to win a game. There is always a buildup to the end. As Yogi Berra was quoted as saying, "it aint over til its over." The end o …
Statue of Responsibility - Pesach
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
March 31st, 2015

Statue of Responsibility - Pesach "The Festival of our Liberty" is one of the nicknames of Pesach1 and points to the fact that our ancestors were freed from the Egyptian slavery on this date. We celebrate that we are no longer under the control of another nation and are free to do as we wish. We celebrate liberty as do nations around the world. The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia and the Statue ofLiberty in New York, as well as Independence Park in …
The Highness and Lowness of a King– Parshat Shofetim
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
September 6th, 2016

 The Highness and Lowness of a King– Parshat Shofetim The concept of a king is actually a bit foreign to us in the 21st century. Though there are some 20 monarchies still in the world today,1 most of the world is governed by popular vote. Even many of the monarchies also have voting to determine the makeup of a government and legislature. We hear of kings and there are stories of kings but still it is a bit hard to grasp. That’s …
3 Ways to Eliminate the Fear of Physical Intimacy in a Relationship for Men
Author: Emma Smith
March 1st, 2021

Physical intimacy is part of any relationship, more so in a romantic relationship which can be a committed relationship or even a marriage.   Most people out there seek physical intimacy with their partner as it promotes a sense of togetherness and safety.   People often confuse sexual activities to be physical intimacy, but sexual activities are just a part of physical intimacy and not the whole thing.   People who share a strong …
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10 ways to improve your marraige
Author: Naomi Sternberg, M.S., L.C.M.F.T.
March 3rd, 2016

It would be outstanding if it would be so simple to improve one’s marriage just by itemizing “10 do it yourself fix it solutions”. However, based on my experiences with couples, I have seen some common threads that can be utilized to help any marriage gain a positive momentum assuming that the spouses are not suffering from severe mental and or personality disorders. That is a different venue altogether. Couples have a tendency …
5 Ways to Reduce Anxiety Around Intimacy
Author: Michali Friedman, LCSW
January 12th, 2019

There are three sources in Sefer Bereishis (Genesis) that give shape, color, and meaning to our understanding of a marital relationship.  There is “Al kain yaazov ish es imo v’davak b’ishto,” which instructs man to leave his parents for the purpose of linking to a wife.  Man is also given what is arguably the first mitzvah in the Torah of peru u’revu, the commandment of bringing children into this world.&nb …
5 Words
Author: Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
July 21st, 2019

I’ve read that when you are angry at your child you should take a deep breath and count to ten before you say anything.  Every time I’m about to tell my child what she did wrong, I stop, take a deep breath, and count to ten.  After I’ve done all that, I say the exact same thing in the same angry voice that I was going to say to begin with.  What’s the point of breathing and counting when I end up the same, R …
10 Ways to a Better Marriage
Author: Naomi Sternberg, M.S., L.C.M.F.T.
June 1st, 2014

It would be outstanding if it would be so simple to improve one’s marriage just by itemizing “10 do it yourself fix it solutions”. However, based on my experiences with couples, I have seen some common threads that can be utilized to help any marriage gain a positive momentum assuming that the spouses are not suffering from severe mental and or personality disorders. That is a different venue altogether. Couples have a tendency …
44 Antidotes Part 2
Author: Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
April 2nd, 2020

In my previous article, I alluded to a tefilah that gives us 44 antidotes to the machala afflicting the world today. That tefilah is called Al Chait.  The occasions on which it is said are Yom Kippur and your wedding day.  We say Al Chait on those days in order to ask Hashem to wipe our slate clean so that we can begin anew at these turning points in our lives. The word anew is defined as in a new or different and typically more positiv …
A Child's Fear of Death
Author: Yehuda Lieberman, LCSW, QCSW, DCSW
December 3rd, 2018

Dear Therapist: One of our children is obsessed with death. He is 6 years old and is constantly asking questions about it. He asks us when we will die, when bubby and zaidy will die, etc. It used to be kind of cute when he planned for our demise, but recently he has been getting much more serious about it. He has been worrying more and has been waking up with "bad dreams" in middle of the night. We try to be reassuring, and th …
A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health Counselor Training, Skills, and Salaries
Author: paul ryan
December 21st, 2023

Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of mental health, the role of a Mental Health Counselor is pivotal in guiding individuals towards improved well-being. This article explores the rigorous training, essential skills, and rewarding compensation associated with this noble profession, providing insights for aspiring counselors and those curious about the field. Mental Health Counselor Training: Nurturing Compassionate Professionals Educa …
A Compulsion for Acceptance, Work and Money
Author: Allan J. Katz

What does it mean to be addicted to work?

Workaholism is merely a reaction to a need to be right, to be in control. According to Judith Sills, Ph.D. in Excess Baggage, "You are an organized person who treasures productivity. If you had a psychiatric label it would be obsessive & compulsive, and you brag about being a workaholic."
A Corona Wedding – Parshat Ki Tissa
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
March 13th, 2020

A Corona Wedding – Parshat Ki Tissa Or Sports as a Corona Metaphor The current outbreak of COVID–19, better known as coronavirus, has caused a lot of concern, anxiety and uncertainty. This virus has become the main topic of conversation – even outperforming sports and politics. How we behave on a personal level during this outbreak says more about us than it does about how the governments are handling the crisis. After all, as s …
A Daughter-in-Law Asks: How do I create a relationship if we don't get along--and why bother anyhow?
Author: Mindy Blumenfeld, LCSW, Individual and Couple Therapist
November 10th, 2014

Note: This was published in the monthly ask-the-therapist column of Jewish Echo Magazine Dear Mindy Thank you for your wonderful and insightful columns. My question is as follows. I don't get along with my mother in law and would prefer to not speak with her unless I must I.e. at a simcha.(I guess the easiest way to describe it is - I'm from Mars and she is from Venus )  I do also understand that she is the grandmother of my children an …
A Failed Syllogism
Author: Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
August 24th, 2020

The Gemara (Yevamos 79a) tells us that Yidden have three characteristics: we are rachamanim, merciful; baishanim; and gomlei chasadim, kind to others. The Mishna (Avos 2:5) tells us that a baishan cannot learn. This leads us to the following syllogism: Yidden are baishanim. Baishanim cannot learn. Therefore Yidden cannot learn. We seem to have a problem here.  Our syllogism has brought us to a false conclusion.  Obviously, BH, Yidden c …
A Great Story - Parshat Vayigash
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
December 25th, 2014

A Great Story - Parshat Vayigash Everyone loves a good story. The intrigue. The emotion. The thrill. The secrets. The ability to read the story again and again and never tire of it - even when you know the end. And of course there's the 'happy end'. This week's parsha, Parshat Vayigash has all the elements of a great story as it provides us with one of the most exciting and thrilling stories that never dies. The story of Joseph and his brothers h …
A Guide To Living Well Without Depression
Author: mariahasan
July 11th, 2023

A strategy for helping yourself deal with depression is by patting yourself on the back. It sounds easy, but for the depressed person, it is almost impossible. If you recognize that it is hard to give yourself praise, perhaps it is time to try these tips to help give yourself a round of applause. There are many natural remedies that you can try. Grape juice, as well as, St. Vitamins and minerals can help the body to release serotonin. It is also …
A Half Truth and a Lie
Author: Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
January 16th, 2013

How often do you believe what your children say to you? How often do you take what they say at face value? The pasuk says b’tzedek tishpot amisecha, and the Mishna tells us he’vai dan es kal ha-adam l’kaf zchus.   Clearly, we are supposed to judge everyone, including our children, favorably.  We should not suspect our children of lying or distorting or withholding information in order to trick us or manipulate us …
A Half Truth and a Lie, Part 2
Author: Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
January 25th, 2013

Most children, most of the time, tell the truth about their thoughts and their feelings.  They have no intention of lying or hiding anything from us.  
Yet they sometimes give us incomplete information about what they are feeling.  It’s the same thing we do to them, and to each other.  We reveal only some of our feelings, we tell a half-truth rather than disclosing the feelings that put us at risk of becoming vulner …
A Hidden Source
Author: Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
February 26th, 2018

We assume that there is a mitzvah to raise children to become bnei and bnos Torah, a mitzvah of chinuch habanim.  Is there such a mitzvah, and if so, what is the source for it? It appears from the Rambam in Sefer haMitzvos that the Torah only requires us to teach Torah to our students.  The Rambam points out that the Sifri on the term “v’shinantum l’vanecha”  (Devorim 6:5) says this refers to students.  …
A Home for Bracha
Author: Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
October 21st, 2021

Omar Rabbi Shimon ben Halafta: lo matza haKadosh Baruch Hu kli machazik bracha l’Yisrael elah hashalom. Rabbi Shimon ben Halafta said: haKakodosh Baruch Hu found no vessel that could contain blessing for Israel other than shalom. (Uktzin 3:12) My colleague received this email: This coming week Selichos begins. My father used to wake me up when I was in 1st grade, and he'd take me at midnight to Shul. Therefore, I have been doing that with …
A Huge Responsibility
Author: Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
August 27th, 2014

When I was a rav in Baltimore I once began my drasha as follows: Hershel’s mother was having a very hard time getting him out of bed one morning. Hershel finally said to his mother, “give me three reasons why it’s so important that I get out of bed.”
She replied, “All right, Hershel, I’ll give you three reasons why it’s so important that you get out of bed. First of all, because you’re Jewish. …
A Letter to My Borderline Client
Author: Lili Bernstein (Goralnick), LCSW-R
July 8th, 2018

 To my Client with BPD; You came to me from a colleague with those dreaded words, “this one’s for you…” I aged three years just trying to get you to sign my policies and consents. But by the time we were finished drawing and picking apart your family tree, we were bonding in mutual amazement- mine at your brave story and you of my piecing together of your story. Your letter and expressions of appreciation mean a lot, …
The Maid's Epiphany - 7th Day Pesach
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
April 8th, 2015

The Maid's Epiphany - 7th Day Pesach Making a change which involves a sense of gaining one's independence can be an exciting and thrilling moment. Whether it is going from being a salaried employee to being an entrepreneur, getting out of a bad relationship, release from jail - these all represent a change where the person will now be in greater charge of their own destiny. The Midrash describes such an epiphany. In the story of the splitting of …
A Matter of Relationship
Author: Mindy Hajdu, MS, LMSW
November 27th, 2012

Moshe and Sarah have been married for 5 years. Moshe describes Sarah as controlling and critical. Sarah describes Moshe as withdrawn and aloof. The conflict between Moshe and Sarah has increased with time, causing each to feel disillusioned with the other.

Just as in mainstream society, our community too has its share of couples living in a state of mutual disconnection and contention. The reason? "He needs to change!" she wags her finger. "She needs to wake up and smell the coffee!" he rebuffs. Each holds onto his or her position tenuously. Until then, husband and wife pass by like ships in the night, living two very lonely lives.
A Model Parent
Author: Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC

A Model Parent

Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC

I don't know how many happy endings you hear, but here's one. My son is blooming, he's a top bachur in his yeshiva.

I'm calling with tears of gratitude in my eyes.

He had been on a slippery slope.

There is no statute of limitations on gratitude. The last time I had spoken with Henoch was nearly 4 years ago. He called me back then because he was concerned about his son Mendy. Henoch and I worked together for about five months. When we ended our work together, he seemed more optimistic than when we had begun. He had become more confident in himself as a father as a result of learning some new skills.

The first time I had spoken with Henoch he sounded nothing short of distraught. He had found a letter his son, then an 11th grader in a well known "main stream" yeshiva, had written to a girl, saying she should call him at yeshiva, and say she's his sister. He told me that Mendy had always been a good student, had good friends, had a good relationship with both of his parents, that he's a "really good kid." And then Henoch asked me what he should do.

As a rav, my answer to that question is to follow the guidance of the Ha'ksav v'Hakabala on the mitzvah of giving admonishment. He writes that you should not say "why did you do that?" You should instead describe what you observed the person saying or doing, and then ask them what happened. As a therapist, I also asked dad what he thinks will happen when he does that. The reason I asked him that question, was that I was pretty sure that he was not going to do it. I wanted to help him figure out how he possibly could. This was the first of the new skills we worked on for dad.

My conversation with Henoch went something like this:

What do you imagine will happen when you sit down with Mendy, tell them you found the letter that he wrote to this girl, and ask him what's happening?

I can't do that! I can't tell him that I found the letter. He's going to want to know why I was snooping around in his room.

That sounds like a reasonable question. What are you going to tell him?

I don't know! What am I supposed to tell him?

I'm not sure I understand the problem here. When he asks you why you were snooping around in his room, I would assume you would simply tell him why you were snooping around in his room, no?

I can't tell him that!

You can't tell him what? Why were you snooping around his room?

Because I'm his father, I have to know what he's doing.

All right, so you were doing what you believe is appropriate, yet you're not willing to tell your son what you were doing even though you believe it was appropriate. I'm not sure I understand that.

He is not going to understand that it's appropriate and he's going to get very upset with me.

You're probably right. And, you're concerned about him. So what would you like to do here?

I'd like to tell him that I don't want him writing to letters to girls, and I don't want him talking to girls at all. But I can't tell him that without telling him that I found his letter, and I couldn't have found the letter if I hadn't been snooping around in his room. It's not like he left it on the dining room table. Rabbi Ackerman, just tell me, did I do the right thing or not?

So I sat back, took a deep breath, and taught Henoch a new skill. I told him that unless something is in the Shulchan Aruch, you don't always have a clear "right or wrong." A lot of things in life come in shades of gray. That doesn't mean they're unclear. It means there is clearly something good about it and clearly something not so good about it. Parents are often left with choices that are less than perfect, and the skill is to make what you think is the best available choice, rather than wishing there was some perfect alternative. This is the skill of accepting uncertainty and moving forward despite it.

The second skill I taught Henoch was how to explain to his son what it was like for him to tell his son the truth, knowing that his son might resent him for what he did. This is the skill of humility, to do the best you can and accept the fact that someone else might think you should have done better.

And the skill of being a "model parent?" I didn't teach that to Henoch. Every parent is a model. Children do learn by osmosis, almost exclusively.

B"H Mendy is now a top bachur in his yeshiva. I would like to think that he has earned that status by the quality of his learning, and by excelling in the middos of humility and gratitude he sees in his father.

Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LHMC, is the Director of Parent Mentoring for Agudath Israel's Project YES. He has worked with hundreds of parents from around the world.

He also works with educators in 18 schools offering guidance on how to connect with children.

Rabbi Ackerman has a private practice specializing in family, couples, parenting, and pre-marital counseling, and can be reached at 718-344-6575.

A Parent Asks: My kid always wants stuff. How do I know when too much is too much?
Author: Mindy Blumenfeld, LCSW, Individual and Couple Therapist
March 1st, 2015

NOTE: This article was originally published in the monthly Ask the Therapist column in Jewish Echo Magazine   Question: Our family is a regular middle class family with kids in the local yeshiva and girls’ school. Many of our children’s friends have things that we feel are not necessary for our children to have at their ages, i.e. an ipad for a twelve year old, the latest brand name shoes for our fourteen year old, etc. On t …
A Parent Asks: How do I help my shy child in her new school year?
Author: Mindy Blumenfeld, LCSW, Individual and Couple Therapist
September 28th, 2014

Note: This column was originally published in Jewish Echo Magazine in the Ask-the-therapist column 9/14 A parent asks: It's back to school. My daughter is 10 and all excited to start a new year. She's a straight A student and because she is, she is more the shy type and doesn't attract as many friends. Last year she complained and I had to speak to her teachers many times to make sure it was well handled. I feel like it will happen all over again …
A Parenting Cook Book
Author: Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
March 7th, 2016

Where can I find a recipe for nachas? No one has ever asked me that question using those particular words. Many parents have asked me what books I would recommend to them that would help them with their children. As is my wont, I usually respond to their question with a question of my own: what books have you found helpful so far? Well, I read [fill in the blank with any of the many parenting books that are available] and I thought it had some r …
A Parenting Mishna
Author: Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Ackerman, LMHC
April 11th, 2016

I recently received this request: “I would like to read your thoughts on asei lecha Rav and how you’ve seen this benefit those who take this Mishna seriously.” I appreciated this request partially because it gave me an opportunity to gather some thoughts on that Mishna and because it allowed me to learn that there are various ways to take the Mishna seriously depending upon how you interpret it. One interpretation of this Mishna …
A Part of a Whole - Parshat Ki Tissa
Author: Dr. Avraham (Allan) Friedman, Psy. D., LMSW
March 3rd, 2015

A Part of a Whole - Parshat  Ki Tissa  Usually the easiest way to count is by using whole numbers…1,2,3… Other manners are possible but not quite as easy. Yet in this week's portion, Parshat Ki Tissa, there is a commandment to count the people by using half-shekels1, half a coin instead of a full coin. I agree that it is not a difficult manner in which to count people - just multiply by two and you have your sum. But why g …
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